Law Enforcement Memorial

Fallen But Never Forgotten

To date, Delaware Law Enforcement has lost 48 officers due to line of duty deaths. Each May, we gather in Dover, where their names have been etched upon the Delaware Law Enforcement Memorial next to this quote. Not in remembrance, because we will never forget, but in honor of the ultimate sacrifice they made for our state and our community.

About Us

Strength In Numbers

The Delaware Fraternal Order of Police was first introduced in Delaware on September 20, 1965, with the formation of Wilmington Lodge #1.


A Message From Our President

On behalf of the over 2800 members of the Delaware Fraternal Order of Police, welcome to, the official webpage for the Delaware Fraternal Order of Police. Here you can find links to training, current events, news, and other resources. While visiting, we hope you find everything you need, but if not, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here. Thank you for your continued support of the Delaware Fraternal Order of Police and law enforcement throughout the state.


Christine Kemp

President Delaware Fraternal Order of Police



The FOP Labor Services Division was founded in an effort to provide our officers with a comprehensive and skilled team to help officers and their lodges navigate the collective bargaining process. Whether your department requires contract information, experienced legal experts, training seminars or personalized labor research, the Labor Services Division stands ready to provide you with the people and resources you need.

Legal Defense

The FOP Legal Defense Plan is a program created under the National Fraternal Order of Police to ensure that all officers are given the chance to have comprehensive legal services provided to them at affordable rates. The plan has multiple options for criminal and civil litigators throughout the nation! 

Officer Wellness

Like our National Lodge, the Delaware Fraternal Order of Police has made officer wellness a top priority. Our 2nd Vice President Harold Bozeman serves on the leadership team for Trauma Survivors Foundation, and is a nationally accredited trainer in the areas of CISM, CIT, and is considered an expert in his field. He has a Delaware CISM team ready to respond wherever and whenever needed. 2nd VP Bozeman is also preparing training for other lodges and departments to help expand this team throughout our state. We are happy to have these resources as well as the strong support and resources of our National Lodge which you can read more about here.

FOP Journal

The monthly FOP Journal is the official publication of the National FOP, with reports from the executive board and committees, news from local lodges, updates on labor issues and more.

Our Fallen Heroes

"In Valor there is Hope." - Tacitus

To date, Delaware Law Enforcement has lost 48 officers due to line of duty deaths. Each May, we gather in Dover, where their names have been etched upon the Delaware Law Enforcement Memorial next to this quote. Not in remembrance, because we will never forget, but in honor of the ultimate sacrifice they made for our state and our community.


Who's Fighting for You? The Fraternal Order of Police Will Always Fight for Our Members.


PO Box 9818
Newark, DE 19714